
The website is arranged under the post-it notes on top. Under Home, you'll find the welcome message, goals and principles of, a summary of the Tick-the-Code method and a link to this Sitemap page.
Each week a different coding rule is displayed on the Home page.

Info offers information about Tick-the-Code in different forms according to roles within organizations. So if you're the CEO of your company, you'll find an informative page especially targeted to meet your needs. Of course, you can visit any of the roles to see different viewpoints to the method that is Tick-the-Code. Besides CEO, the roles of CTO, project manager, software developer, quality manager, tester and human resources manager are presented.

On the Metrics page, there are all kinds of measurements. How many software developers can tick their code? In which countries have the training sessions taken place?

Contact tells you who is responsible for this site and who to contact in case of problems or questions.

Material lists all published works about Tick-the-Code. If you're interested in seeing a list of articles, conference papers and books on the subject, Material is the page for you.

If you want to try Tick-the-Code yourself, the Testdrive page shows you how.

On the Feedback page you can see what kind of feedback the Tick-the-Code method has raised in people using it. You can also send your own comments regarding the website or any other Tick-the-Code relevant aspect. If you want to subscribe to the newsletter and to receive invitations to open trainings in your area, there is a way to do just that on the Feedback page.